NJWB March 27th, 2024
The City of Bayonne recently completed clean water improvements to its stormwater system that are being financed with approximately $2 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-rate funding program jointly administered by the DEP and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank ("I-Bank"). Because this project addressed combined sewer overflow issues, a highly prioritized category of projects in the State, the City of Bayonne qualified for principal forgiveness totaling $903,397. Total savings for this project, including interest cost savings is estimated at $1,958,000 over the 30-year term of the loan or 95% of project cost, in comparison to Bayonne City financing the project on its own. This project also created an estimated 24 direct construction jobs.
Combined sewer systems are shared underground pipe networks that direct both wastewater and stormwater to a sewage treatment plant (STP). Under normal conditions, all the wastewater and stormwater are transported to an STP for treatment. During rainfall events or snowmelt, the additional volume of water can overwhelm the capacity of the pipe network and cause a combined sewer overflow (CSO) outfall to discharge to a local water body. Frequent sewer backups during rainfall events had been occurring in Bayonne because the CSO system couldn't handle the volume. During severe weather events, the overflow discharged directly into Newark Bay without treatment.
This project included upgrades to the Francis G. Fitzpatrick Park that also improved the stormwater management facilities, preventing overflow during severe weather events.
Stormwater management was improved by conveying street runoff to a new underground retention basin for temporary storage to help alleviate sewer backups during runoff events. Park improvements provided the opportunity to construct the underground retention basin, install a stormwater collection system with new catch basins an outlet structure, and a new outflow pipe. Park users also benefited from the fully restored park. Existing equipment was demolished, and two new tot-lot areas were installed as well as a roller hockey rink, a water feature area, landscaping, fountains, lighting and new patios with seating areas.
Jimmy M. Davis, Mayor of the City of Bayonne, stressed the importance of the project: "The upgrades to the park made room for the retention basin, which provide significant water quality benefits to Newark Bay. The park was upgraded with ADA-compliant equipment and bathroom facilities. The playground equipment was upgraded with modern structures and amenities. All these improvements provided significant social and environmental benefits to everyone in our community, thanks to the cost-effective funding provided by the Water Bank."
This project was designed by CME Associates and constructed by Picerno-Giordano Construction, LLC.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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