The Community Hazard Assistance Mitigation Program ("CHAMP") resides within the Resilience Infrastructure Bank of the I-Bank,
an independent State Financing Authority responsible for providing and administering low interest rate loans to qualified New Jersey municipalities,
counties, agencies, instrumentalities and other eligible entities in New Jersey for the purpose of financing hazard mitigation and resilience projects
pursuant to the State Hazard Mitigation Plan ("State HMP") and the Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation ("STORM") Act.
“The SAIL Disaster loan program, jointly administered by the I-Bank and the State’s Office of Emergency Management, to fund resilience projects post Superstorm Sandy, has evolved over the past 10 years into a seamless process which will be replicated for the new NJ CHAMP Resilience loan program.”
David Zimmer, CFA
New Jersey Infrastructure Bank, Executive Director
“If the Resilience Infrastructure Bank NJ CHAMP loan program functions anything like the SAIL Disaster loan program for post-disaster projects, it will be a home run for communities in need of these funds.”
Ryan R. Krause, P.E., C.M.E.
SMRSA, Executive Director
“The I-Bank and OEM are excited about the opportunity to build out the NJ CHAMP loan program to expand resilience financing to communities for pre-disaster projects.”
David Zimmer, CFA
New Jersey Infrastructure Bank, Executive Director
“When SMRSA took advantage of the SAIL disaster financing program, the entire process was fast and efficient. The Program ensured that the funds promised us by FEMA were received in less than 2 months and then provided low-cost loans for our match dollars that remained. It was a terrific experience, and I expect the NJ CHAMP Program to be equally valuable.”
Ryan R. Krause, P.E., C.M.E.
SMRSA, Executive Director