About Us
The I-Bank is governed by a 10-member Board of Directors. The I-Bank is managed by an Executive Director assisted by other administrative officers and staff. The I-Bank is an independent state financing authority, in but not out of the treasury, authorized to issue revenue bonds to make loans to finance the construction of eligible environmental and transportation infrastructure projects.
Legal Structure / Policies
Board Information
The powers of the I-Bank are vested in the Board of Directors which conducts regular monthly meetings in accordance to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. Find the agenda, schedule of meetings and minutes of meetings.
Annual Reports
The I-Bank submits annual reports to the Governor and Legislature concerning the I-Bank's operations.
Project Gallery
The I-Bank is an equal opportunity employer. We believe that being inclusive is critical to the I-Bank's success, and seeks to recruit and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool. For inquiries please contact us at careers@njib.gov.
Contact Us
Have a question? Want more information?
Send us an email. Give us a call. We'd love to hear from you!
Page for all historical board meeting data before the previous year
Learn about program and financing changes coming in SFY2025.
Investor Relations
List of Official Statements
The official statements prepared by the I-Bank in connection with its bond issues are all available for download in this page.
Public Information
Audited Financials
The I-Bank's annual audit of its books and accounts made every year by an independent certified public accounting firm are available to download in this page.
Operating Budget
The I-Bank develops a yearly budget report that is adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by adoption of a concurrent resolution of the Legislature.
Please find a list of procurement opportunities currently being offered by the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank.
Open Public Records Request Form
For your convenience, please find the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank's official OPRA form to request government records.
Terms and Privacy
Find our documents regarding the usage of our web and social media services the I-Bank provides.
About NJWB
About WISE Calculator
The WISE Act (P.L. 2017, c.71), signed by Governor Christie on May 11, 2017, applies to all local government units financing an environmental infrastructure project (or project component) of $1 million or greater
without utilizing the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Program ("NJEIFP" or "Program"). The NJEIFP is the I-Bank and Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) joint low-rate financing program.
Contact Us
Provides contact information for the NJWB.
Financial Overview
The Water Bank provides financing for the construction and improvement of clean water and drinking water facilities and systems that protect the State's natural resources and public health. This section offers an overview of the financing application process and the H2Loans online application system.
How to Apply?
Instructions for setting up your H2Loans account.
Interest Rate Credit
The Interest Rate Credit initiative is designed to encourage timely submissions while providing borrowers with savings above and beyond the I-Bank’s already low short-term interest rates
SRF's Applicant Guide
The Applicant’s Guide offers a roadmap outlining the steps involved in proceeding from an initial funding query through to final construction dollars.
Financing Benefits
There are many financial and administrative benefits to financing your project through the Water Bank. Learn about them here.
Water Bank Program Publications
The Water Bank Program prepares and submits program publications setting forth the eligibility, prioritization, methodology and financing structure for each fiscal year in satisfaction of federal and state statutory requirements.
Clean Water Program
The following categories of projects are eligible for funding under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program.
Drinking Water Program
Projects eligible for financing under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program are those that address federal safe drinking water health standards.
Statewide Assistance Infrastructure Loan (SAIL) Program
The Disaster Relief Emergency Financing Program (Statewide Assistance Infrastructure Loan ("SAIL") Program), is a short-term financing program that provides temporary bridge loans for environmental infrastructure projects in advance of federal relief grant reimbursements.
Asset Management Plans
Water Bank borrowers are required to develop an Asset Management plan.
Archived Program Publications
Program publications for prior years can be found here.
Financial Overview
How To Apply?
Apply now and find out about the advantages of Transportation Bank financing, applicant/project eligibility, and a summary of the 4-step application process.
Interest Rate Credit
The Interest Rate Credit initiative is designed to encourage timely submissions while providing borrowers with savings above and beyond the I-Bank’s already low short-term interest rates.
Transportation Bank Program Publications
Documents providing important administrative guidance to the public as to the Transportation Bank Loan application process, project and applicant eligibility requirements, the system for prioritizing projects for funding, and the Loan terms and conditions, including but not limited to interest rates, fees, and loan closing prerequisites.
Find useful forms related to our Transportation program.
Archived Program Publications
Program publications for prior years can be found here.