NJWB August 23rd, 2023
Delran Township recently completed wastewater pump station improvements that are being financed with approximately $1,288,313 in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-rate funding program jointly administered by the DEP and the NJ I-Bank. Including interest cost savings, total savings for this project are estimated to be $268,566 over the 20-year term of the loan or 21% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 15 direct, one-year construction jobs.
The project improved the Township's Clay Street Pump Station by rehabilitating the wet well, installing new submersible sewage pumps on rails in the updated well, and mounting a hoist to lift the new pumps out of the well for maintenance. Resilience measures were implemented by relocating all electrical equipment and controls to an above-ground fiberglass building. Upgrades included removing a dry well, replacing the existing screening basket with a new precast concrete valve vault and grinder. Odor and corrosion control were needed to increase the operational life of equipment. As such, a natural Bioxide odor control system replaced the chemically controlled odor system. Exterior improvements were also financed including regrading the gravel driveway to eliminate pooling and raising the maintenance hole frame and cover in the driveway to meet the new grade.
This project increased the reliability of the pump station and reduced the level of maintenance required to keep it operational. The condition of the dry well created a potential hazard for maintenance personnel and removing it eliminated extensive safety procedures required to operate and maintain the pump station. New submersible pumps have replaced the original thirty-year-old pumps.
Gary Catrambone, Mayor of Delran Township stressed the need for the project. "Improvements to this pump station make a lot of sense. We're dedicated to upgrading our infrastructure to save on costly repairs in the future. This project will improve safety and streamline operations. Borrowing from the Water Bank provided the added benefit of saving our ratepayers financially over the term of the loan."
CME Associates designed this project, and it was constructed by Quad Construction Company.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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