NJWB October 9th, 2024
East Orange City recently completed drinking water improvements that are being financed with approximately $16 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a low-rate funding program jointly administered by the DEP and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank ("I-Bank"). Total savings for this project are estimated at $8.3 million over the 27-year term of the loan or 52% of project costs, in comparison to East Orange City financing the project on its own. This project also created an estimated 192 direct construction jobs.
The project replaced water main and service connections and small and large water meters. It funded the purchase of billing software and converted ethernet connections for SCADA. The project also included the installation of a generator and upgrades to the sodium hypochlorite system at the White Oak Ridge Pumping Station.
Ted R. Green, Mayor of East Orange City, summarized the benefits of the project: "The implementation of this project will lead to the enhancement of various components within the water distribution system, including the replacement of several undersized mains to improve fire protection. Taking this proactive approach will not only upgrade the city's drinking water, but also promote overall efficiency. Additionally, the creation of nearly 200 jobs to complete this project is an added benefit. By borrowing from the Water Bank, we were able to revamp our infrastructure while providing substantial cost savings to our taxpayers."
This project was designed by CME Associates, CP Engineers, and Boswell Engineering and constructed by Faigon Electric, Shauger Property Services, and VNL, Inc.
Picture courtesy of CME Associates.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600