NJWB October 8th, 2024
The Little Egg Harbor MUA ("LEHMUA") recently closed on a $3,337,676 loan with the NJ Water Bank to improve compromised water mains located in the lagoon front property portion of Mystic Island.
Over the past few years, the water main lines in the township have experienced multiple bursts. The age and material of the pipes in this area have contributed to its high vulnerability, restricting the use of vibratory rollers often needed for the successful completion of the project. Additionally, the use of heavy construction equipment for the reconstruction of private residences following Superstorm Sandy has further stressed the water main. LEHMUA proposes to install approximately 9,833 linear feet of new 8-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water distribution main, 19 fire hydrants, and 376 water service connections (funded to the curb).
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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NJWB February 7th, 2025
Spruce Run Reservoir Structures Refurbishment and Resource Preservation Project
3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600