NJWB April 25th, 2024
The Middlesex County Utilities Authority ("MCUA") recently closed on a $15,000,000 loan with the NJ Water Bank to rehabilitate the Bound Brook Pump Station ("BBPS") and replace and relocate the Landfill Gas Booster Pump Station ("LFG Booster Pump"). The BBPS is over 60 years old and will be replaced with submersible pumps, solids handling, control valves, an emergency generator and interconnecting pipe and flood protection. Replacement of the pump station will allow the MCUA to continue to provide uninterrupted wastewater conveyance service to the residents and businesses within the Borough of Bound Brook and part of Bridgewater Township.
The LFG Booster Pump Improvements include the removal of the original blowers and installation of three new blowers and associated electric and controls inside the recently constructed Edison pump station floodwalls. The LFG Booster Pump Improvements project will prevent failure of the facility and disruption to the system.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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