NJWB September 9th, 2022
Plumsted Township recently completed clean water improvements that are being funded with approximately $23 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-interest rate financing program of the DEP and the NJ I-Bank. Including interest cost savings, total savings for this project is estimated to be $2,799,922 over the 30-year term of the loan or 12% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 274 direct construction jobs.
New Egypt, an unincorporated community located within Plumsted Township, lacked a public sewer system. Homes and businesses have relied on private septic systems, many of which had reached end of life and were failing. A survey found that 81 percent of the residents in Plumsted Township were affected by malfunctioning on-site systems. This project eliminated aged septic systems and cesspools on small lots providing better wastewater management and improving the water quality of impacted waterways including Oakford Lake and Crosswicks Creek. Approximately 3,800 linear feet (LF) of 8- and 10-inch gravity sewer lines were installed, a pump station was constructed, and approximately 5,000 LF of 8-inch force main was connected to the sewage treatment plant for disposal of treated wastewater. The project reduced the threat of contamination to private drinking water wells and promoted the revitalization and economic development of the Main Street and Town Center areas of New Egypt.
Robert Bowen, Mayor of Plumsted Township stressed the importance of the work. "This project was critical for health, environmental and financial reasons. The use of our first wastewater treatment system decreased the threat to human health, cleaned up our water ways and boosted the Township's economy. In addition, borrowing from the NJ Water Bank incurred an additional 12% savings over the long-term life of the loan."
This project was designed by T&M Associates and constructed by P&A construction and Dynamic Sandblasting and Painting, LLC.
Photo courtesy of T&M Associates
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600