NJWB March 3rd, 2021
The Toms River Municipal Utility Authority (TRMUA) recently finalized the purchase of a clean water program vehicle that is being financed with approximately $1,176,920 in loan funds from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJ I-Bank. Total savings for this project are estimated to be $83,007 over the 14-year term of the loan or 14% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 7 direct construction-related jobs.
The TRMUA continuously inspects interior conditions of its approximately 430 miles of gravity sewer mains to determine necessary pipe repairs and replacements. The TRMUA's current TV Inspection Truck outlived its useful life and needed replacement to allow the Authority to effectively continue the uninterrupted assessment of its aging infrastructure. In addition, the existing gas-powered emergency generators at Pump Stations #10 and #26 have been used in the past during significant storms and heavy winds during power outages. Because the generators were at the end of their useful lives, they were replaced to ensure uninterrupted sanitary sewer service. The influent channel dimminutors at Pump Station #16, TRMUA's largest pump station, were also in need of replacement to maintain a smoother influent flow.
Maurice Hill, Mayor of Toms River Township, applauded the Authority, stating that "the TRMUA follows a rigorous preventative maintenance Program, which has decreased system failure and down times. These efforts in combination with continuous inspection and repair of sewer lines have significantly reduced treatment costs and, with the assistance of the Water Bank's financing, will save our ratepayers money over time."
The TRMUA purchased the Closed-Circuit TV Sanitary Sewer Inspection Truck through a Cooperative Purchase Agreement with HGACBuy. The two generators were purchased from Troller Electric, LLC through a joint cooperative pricing system with the Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission / NJ Educational Services Commission. The two dimminutors were purchased from the PSI Process & Equipment Group.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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