NJWB October 22nd, 2020
South Orange Village recently closed on a $640,000 loan with the NJ Water Bank to perform emergency repair work to replace piping and valves in the Newstead Watersphere valve pit. The repair is necessary to prevent the imminent failure of the water tank, the only water source for the mountain zone service area in South Orange Village. Within the pipe pit below the Newstead Watersphere, a clamp which connects two segments of 10" pipe is failing and causing heavy leaking. The pit and the equipment within it, are in very poor condition. Due to the engulfment hazard present, the repair of the clamp within this permit-required confined space cannot safely occur while the tank is charged. There is concern that failure of this clamp could cause the uncontrolled dewatering of the tank and loss of service to customers served by this asset.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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