NJWB September 11th, 2018
Stafford Township recently completed a water main replacement project that is being funded with approximately $2.4 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJ I-Bank. Including interest cost savings, total savings for this project are estimated to be $598,922, over the 20-year term of the loan or 25% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 29 direct construction jobs.
The project entailed upgrading the leaking and failing section of the Township's water distribution system in the lagoon portion of Beach Haven West. Approximately 7,890 linear feet of ductile iron pipe was replaced and proper pipe bedding, undermined during Superstorm Sandy, was installed to reduce the potential for pipe failure.
According to Mayor John Spodofora, "Stafford Township is dedicated to saving as much water as possible to keep our quarterly usage bills at a minimum. We are committed to efficiency and motivated to improve resiliency in case of future storms. This project provides a more efficient water system and saves our ratepayers money in the long term. I give credit to our water department for their success in providing us with the safest and best tasting drinking water in the most cost-effective manner."
This project was designed by CME Associates and constructed by P&A Construction, Inc.
Pictures courtesy of CME Associates.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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