NJIB March 11th, 2022
Where: The Inn at Penn, Philadelphia, PA
When: April 13 - 14, 2022 at 2:00 PM
Why: Local water leaders, advocates, experts, and other stakeholders will gather at the Summit to explore new federal funding opportunities, share their knowledge and experience on meeting water challenges with sustainable, affordable, climate resilient solutions, and much more!
David Zimmer will be on a panel of experts discussing "$50 Billion in New Water Funding: Who's Getting it and How?"
An unparalleled amount of federal funding is becoming available for local water infrastructure. The expert panel will explore how, when and where these funds will flow, the role of the SRF managers, and how federal funding can be layered to co-fund sustainable water projects using existing SRF programs.
The Summit has been published on the Whova Web and Mobil apps. You can sign in with your registered-email to check the event agenda, download documents, see who is attending and network with them before and during the event. You can download the app here: Download app.
Register for conference here: https://whova.com/portal/registration/water_202204
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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