NJWB September 24th, 2019
The Borough of Somerville recently completed clean water improvements that are being partially funded with approximately $3.5 million in loans from the NJ Water Bank, a joint low-rate funding program of the DEP and the NJ I-Bank. 75% of the engineering and building costs were funded by a grant from DEP's Hazardous Discharge and Site Remediation Fund. The remainder of allowable project costs were financed by a loan from the NJ Water Bank. Total savings from the Water Bank portion of the project are estimated to be $505,976 over the 14-year term of the loan or 15% of the total project cost. In addition, this project created an estimated 40 direct construction jobs.
The Borough rehabilitated and restored ten acres of a stream corridor and existing wetland area within a former 47.4-acre landfill. The Borough constructed a stream lining system known as the "Green Seam" wetland corridor in the area of an unnamed tributary that forms the natural stream corridor between the two former landfill lobes. The restoration area is located above a moderately wooded area in Somerville identified as the South Triangle. The final cover of the Green Seam Corridor prevents polluted runoff and leachate from entering the stream and will become part of a contiguous cap that will cover the entire landfill. The Borough has also proposed a plan to set aside approximately 41 acres for rehabilitation as passive stormwater mitigation and nonpoint source pollution management.
Dennis Sullivan, Mayor of Somerville Borough extolled the environmental benefits of the project: "This remediation will prevent contaminated water from entering the Raritan River and the restoration of adjacent wetlands will provide a public resource for recreation and educational activities. We are gratified to provide so many benefits at such cost-effective prices."
This project was designed by Geosyntec Consultants and constructed by Tomco Construction, Inc.
Picture courtesy of Somerville Borough
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
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