NJWB June 26th, 2020
The East Orange Water Commission recently closed on a $23,100,000 loan with the NJ Water Bank to finance water system improvements at the White Oak Ridge Pumping Station (WORPS), including water main and service connection replacements for fire protection. The installation of a generator and SCADA system will improve resiliency. Pumps that have reached the end of their useful lives will be replaced and the WORPS will be converted to a Sodium Hypochlorite system for disinfection. This project represents an integral part of the State Plan, which encourages local utility authorities to regularly maintain their existing infrastructure. Implementation of the project will upgrade the water distribution system and replace several undersized mains to improve fire protection. The proposed infrastructure improvements promote the ongoing viability of a highly developed urban area which has been designated as well suited for future growth and revitalization.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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