NJWB May 2nd, 2022
Little Egg Harbor Township recently closed on a $1,879,325 loan with the New Jersey Water Bank to replace approximately 1,500 linear feet (LF) of corrugated metal drainage pipe and up to 17 drainage inlets. In addition, approximately 5,500 square feet of easement and roadway will be restored in-kind.
The proposed work is necessary to improve the deteriorating storm drainage system, mostly comprised of corrugated metal pipe, approximately 40 to 50 years old and too small to handle the drainage flow. Sediment and other particulates that typically accumulate in nearby properties and roadways after storm events will be reduced and prevented from draining into the collection system, which is ultimately discharged into tributaries that feed Big Creek, a Category one waterbody.
For more information, contact the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank at (609) 219-8600.
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NJWB February 7th, 2025
Spruce Run Reservoir Structures Refurbishment and Resource Preservation Project
3131 Princeton Pike, Building 4 Suite 216
Lawrenceville NJ, 08648 T. 609 219 8600